Kid's Time

Kid's Time will meet Sunday nights at 6 pm starting Feb 16.  This ministry is facilitated by Julia Attaway.

Sunday Nights

Kid's Time is a ministry where we have the bookends of praise and worship, Bible verse memory, Bible story learning and prayer.  Our students enjoy a fun environment where we can build community, a healthy competitiveness to listen and learn and real love given by people who love children.

We believe that the Bible provides answers to the questions of life. From a very early age our goal is to get our children to learn it and live it, using it to challenge the lies  of our world.

Who says it can't be fun!?!

As important as our teaching is our time of friendship building.  Even our children need people, and with so many young children coming from homes apart from faith, the relationships we build here are critical to success in their later lives. Kids Time is all about friendships lasting forever; built under a common goal and faith.