Welcome to Robinson

Free Methodist Church

After the Pandemic, we made some hard decisions. We realized that the church, after COVID-19, would be a different place and would need a renewed purpose and vision.  You must realize this is not to change what was but to build upon the foundation left for us.  

We took that humbly and very seriously.

For over a year, we tried to understand where God wanted us to go, coming to these conclusions:

Our purpose is to:  'Forge' in fire the links necessary to anchor people to the Biblical God."

Our vision is accomplished when: "Meaningful investment inspires powerful life-changing actions in our communities."

Read more about our core values here.

So what does this mean for you?  If you care to invest your time, talent, and treasure here, you will invest in a system that is developing to maximize every hour, dollar, and gift for God's glory.  We want to be the most excellent church we can be and grow, not for the sake of being evaluated by numbers but for being a church that loves big, attracting people to that love.  We hope to replicate it in multiple ministries, both regionally and worldwide.

For you who will visit, we believe that you are here for a purpose and will seek to encourage and love you in our community.  We will give you our best every Sunday in hopes that you will find a place to invest yourself and your family to grow in God and Christian fellowship.  We are a growing community here.  Our pastor does not believe one should come and watch but instead come and be.  Come and be a part.  Come and be healed.  Come and be victorious and free.

Please find out more about our national network of churches here

Please find out more about our local network of churches here

Listen to a short welcome from our pastor:  Here

Hear the latest message from Sunday Morning:  Here

  • The Basics

    All You Need to Know

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  • Our Story

    Learn About this family.

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  • Leadership

    Meet Our Pastor

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Loving our children

Focus on children and youth

For many years, this church has been a family.  We invest heavily into seeing children and teenagers won to Jesus and taught to be more like Him. It's a culture here, supported from the pulpit to the people.

Loving Our Learning

A Biblical worldview

The Bible was not given to us for only the scholar, but so everyone can read it, and properly interpret its truths. This ministry will equip you to follow a Biblical world view.  The Biblical worldview is taken from the truth that all the questions of how to do life and ultimately go to heaven are answered in the pages of the Bible.  

Loving Our Community

From Robinson to beyond

Our great mission field is both home and abroad. Both communities contain people that Jesus talked of being "the least of these" and both need our input, efforts, and finances to impact for good. We are committed to being a people who bless our communities with our money, time, and talents, paying forward what others have done for us.