Services and Meetings

Sunday Morning Worship

On Sundays we come to worship at 10:00 am.  When you arrive, please stop by the Shinkle Corner for a cup of coffee.  If you continue past the welcome center you will find the restrooms on the left and the nursery on the right. Come back to the sanctuary and find a seat, as the countdown for service begins promptly at 9:55 am. We begin with announcements, and then move into our worship set. When the singing is done, we dismiss our children to jr. church and will typically have ministry in special music. Pastor will then speak and often calls us to a resolution at the end of the message. We then dismiss with a blessing. Our services typically are 1:15 - 1:30 minutes.

Worship in the church

Everything we do is an act of worship. We want people to understand that this goes beyond the music of the service, yet we know music is important.  At Robinson Free Methodist we have a very multi-generational church which is reflected in that we sing hymns and modern choruses, in a way that is balanced and considerate.

Preaching and Teaching

Pastor Aaron leads our church as the primary teacher. Our teaching and preaching relies upon a strong exposition of the Bible text. It is guided by our Wesleyan heritage, yet expressed through the eyes of grace. This typically comes out in one of PA's favorite lines, "God accepts you just as you come, but is not content to leave you as you are." 

God expects a holy people, but holiness is not defined by rules and religious law keeping. Holiness is in right action, as we live to the level of truth which we know. Thus there is grace when we fail, and grace to try again.

Sunday Children's Ministry

Because we believe that every person must have the opportunity to hear the gospel at a level they can retain it, we offer a jr. church ministry during the time that our pastor speaks. Children from kindergarten age through 5th grade are welcome to share in this ministry. It meets in the fellowship hall.

Babies and Toddlers Nursery

Do you remember what it was like to be a young mother? Remember what a moment of peace, or alone time was worth? Our nursery has been expanded to permit greater care of our young children, ages newborn through age 4.  

Wednesday Night Ministry

Our church family gathers together for a mid week program meant to further disciple the attendees through Biblical teaching, provide a deeper sense of community and a fresh encounter with the living God.  

Our focus on Wednesday night is to continue to present each person the opportunity to hear the gospel in a way they can understand it.  We are presently putting our energy into making children and youth of most importance.

  • Asylum Youth Ministry

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  • Kids Time

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